
Hello. Goodbye

old friends. 
old socks. 
old t-shirts. 
old cars. 
old loves. 
We hold these things near and dear to our hearts but eventually they gotta go--well not the old friends they stay--but all the rest of it. So it goes with this particular blog. For over two years this blog has been a place to share my projects, my work, and the images that make me smile. I fought it a lot in the beginning (“...but I donʼt want to blog”) but Iʼve come to enjoy the process. 

So am I done blogging? Hell no! Iʼm just upgrading. 

This is just a sentimental good bye to my training wheels-blog and a sappy way to introduce my new blog and website (a girlʼs gotta get fancy sometime). All sorts of new, new, newness in my world. 

Thank you for sticking around and please checkout my newblog and website


Roller Derby :: 2012 :: HGRG First Bout of the Year

Roller derby season is here!!
The Hellgate Rollergirls Dirt Road Dolls battling their own Brawl'n Mollies to start the year off. Sadly, I was out of town for the bout. Abby Redfern, associate photographer for Athena Photography, was able to make it happen and she produced these fun images! Thanks Abby!!



Dirty Advertising

I walked home the other day and saw my Community Medical Center ads in some dirty weather, and kinda liked them!!!



I've been sorting through photos from the fall

...as I watch the snow outside my window.


Roller Derby :: Happy January 2012

 Hellgate Rollergirl 
Roller Derby 2012 Calendar 
with Joan Jolt & Juggshermaut


Discovery Ski Area

If you are looking for me this winter you might find me here....Discovery Ski Area!!



A photo filled Christmas at the Southgate Mall

I don't know what holiday you celebrate, but the mall celebrates Christmas!